Mikaela Shiffrin, inspirational winner of more World Cup ski races than anyone in history~
Chris Anthony with students at the Colorado SnowSports Museum.
Reinvestment in the evolution of educational methods, tools and materials for school presentations is a core value of CYIP. To stay relevant and on the cutting edge in education, it is important to invest in this aspect of teaching. The following items are being pursued:
1. Multi-Media Material – 10th Mountain Division Documentary
Already in production with a target release of October 2019, this documentary about the World War II 10th Mountain Division covers a period — May to July 1945 — that has not previously been recognized in the U.S. Following Germany’s surrender, Yugoslavian troops tried to move into Italy, and 10th Mountain troops were dispatched to the area along border between the two countries. The value of documenting this lost story will educate the viewer in geography along with world and American history.
2. Keynote Presentations
Providing mentors in education the financial freedom to build keynote presentations to enhance their outreach. To produce these would include hiring a wordsmith, graphic artist, video integration and special effects.
3. STEM Education Programs / Physics of Skiing
Chris Anthony has long wanted to develop a STEM lesson plan to give to schools. Based off his own learning disabilities, Chris realized as a student he understood math and physics better in the physical world while performing them rather than just memorizing equations in text books and applying them in theory. Witold Kosmala, a math professor, shares this belief, and is working to develop this lesson plan that is currently being tested by some of the teachers Chris knows.
This lesson plan would then be followed up with a trip to experience the real-world understanding of the laws of the equations as they apply to skiing. The ultimate objective is to connect the classroom to the realities of the physical world.
4. MISSION MT. MANGART / Documentary Project
June 3, 1945 as ski race took place on the Yugoslavian / Italian border. The location of this race on the second highest peak in the Julian Alps as well as the time period provide an amazing amount of historical talking points.
Chris Anthony researched, wrote, directed, edited and produced a 70 minute very informative award winning documentary, “Mission Mt. Mangart”, which has served as a wonderful educational tool.
For more information of how to bring this documentary to your community or portions of it into your students school please contact: Jaclyn