About Chris Anthony
A Colorado native, Chris Anthony was inducted into the Colorado Snowsports Hall of Fame in 2018 for his accomplishments as a professional skier as well as inspirer. Through his Youth Foundation, film work, teaching as well as guiding, Chris Anthony has impacted millions of lives.
The Mission of the Chris Anthony Youth Initiative Project (CYIP) is to improve quality of life through introducing youth to educational enrichment opportunities. We aim to provide financial support, underwrite programs, and build educational platforms.

Chris Anthony is a 2018 Colorado Snow Sports Hall of Fame Inductee, Executive Director / Founder of Chris Anthony Youth Initiative Project and Professional Athlete, Screenwriter, Producer, Screen Talent, Journalist and Philothropist. He traveled for 28 years with Warren Miller Entertaiment as both an athlete and host. He also worked with a number of outdoor adventure and sports production companies as a creator, screen talent, producer, writer and editor.
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